About Me - Brock Henderson Marketing Guru

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About Me

Yep, this is me

I've been in sales and marketing for most of my adult life, that's 45+ years in the industry.  For fun I like going to a city and walking around in their Mall to see how they are doing things.  In one Mall at the centeral intersection there were four different shoe stores, but each store had a specific target market and while there was a little overlap, it was minimal.  One store sold athletic shoes, another mens dress shoes, a third was a discount shoe store, and the fourth sold women's shoes.  Each with their own specific target customer, and minimal overlap.

My background is:

*  Taught marketing and business classes at a local University

* Owned two successful businesses

* Director of Marketing for two local mid-sized businesses

*  Director of Marketing for a national trade association

*  Written numerous articles in industry publications

*  Given presentations at National Conventions

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